Tree inspection
How healthy is the tree?
Identify early stages of decay

Our tree care and inspection instruments enable early detection of internal defects, ensuring the safety of people and property in parks, alleys, and forests. By identifying potential hazards, you can take proactive steps to prevent accidents and damages.

The VTA method (Visual Tree Assessment) helps to detect defects by outward manifestations of the tree and therefore it ensures the correct application of our instruments. By means of this method (visual assessment) arborists, tree inspectors and experts are able to identify in time dangers due to immanent tree failure. That way they can take the right measures early enough to prevent damages to persons or property.

The measurement methods of our test instruments are scientifically proven. Scientists and specialists recommend them as objective and reliable examination methods.

Using our instruments you can:

  • Detect rot in various stages
  • Recognize compressed separation zones
  • Locate ring shakes, cracks and cavities
  • Analyse the growth of annual rings
  • Detect wood decay
  • Evaluate the wood quality

Taking the right measures in time will help to preserve precious tree populations.

Tree inspection application fields:

  • Care and inspection of trees along streets, in parks and forests
  • Tree inspection in the context of traffic safety
  • Evaluation of damages on forest trees
  • Research and development

Frequently asked questions about Tree Inspection

One of the best features of our drills, especially for arborists working in the field of inspecting live trees, is the fill-in methods of the bits. Our bits are 3mm and while they are already small in size, when the needle retracts it pulls the wood back in to fill the hole. Immediately after you would not be able to stick the bit fully back in the hole that was drilled. As time goes on the tree seals the hole.
Our wood inspection drills are commonly used as a reinforcement for the VTA for tree inspections. The resistance drill is a favorite for arborists and tree specialists because it provides data on the internal state of the wood. A tree specialist is able to show measurements backing up their conclusion to save or remove a tree using the data collected from the resistance drills. They get this by drilling into any area of the tree including the trunk, branches or roots.

Yes, you can take the information from PD/F Tools or WoodInspector and utilize it in your GIS or other related software.

The wood inspection drill measures the force of the needle turning through the wood product. For example, when the bit hits any soft decay the force on the graph will drop and if the needle hits a hard, brittle decay the graph will spike. If the bit runs through a cavity area the graph will drop measuring no resistance for the bit. The measurements are then collected on either a wax paper strip (F-Series) or electronically recorded for an instant upload (PD-Series).

With the F-Series drill the measurements are recorded on a wax paper strip. Typically users scan the wax paper strip into their report reinforcing their assessment of the wood. The PD-Series drill records the measurements automatically in digital form and can instantly upload these results to your computer via Bluetooth or USB cable. Software is available for your computer to analyze and organize your collected results.

Our systems for Tree Inspection

Articles on Tree Inspection