
IML North America, LLC
5 Water Street
Meredith, NH 03253


Phone:(+1) 603-253-4600

Managing director: Kevin Keenan
Legal Form:Limited Liability Coperation (LLC)

Object of the company:
Distribution of technical assemblies and systems for measuring technique.

Legal Advice:

The information contained in the websites has been prepared most thoroughly. Errors or mistakes can, however, not be excluded. IML North America, LLC will not assume any legal responsibility nor any liability for the consequences of such errors or mistakes The present information may be modified without notice. IML North America, LLC reserves the right to make modifications to the instruments for better technical functioning, capacity and longlivity.

Liability Note:

IML North America, LLC has no influence on the contents on the contents or the structure of the linked sites. For this reason IML North America, LLC does not assume any responsibility for the contents of these linked sites. This applies for all links provided by IML North America Homepages as well as for all the contents of these external sites linked by banners or links.


All contents, diagrams, forms, programs and their arrangement on this website are subject to Copyright 2014 of IML North America, LLC. This information may not be copied, modified, used or processed without the written authorization of IML North America, LLC.

©2023. IML North America, LLC. All rights reserved.