IML & PD Instrumentos Team Up to Provide First Rate Service for South America

South America is a guest in Wiesloch

Members from PD-Instrumentos, a company from Jarinu in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil that provides technical and commercial support for products sold in South America, traveled to the IML headquarters in Wiesloch to share their knowledge and experience of the latest IML products with the experts in wood testing systems.

PD Instrumentos is now covering the South American market for wood inspection instruments provided by IML. The Brazilian company will train, repair and calibrate the IML wood testing systems in this region. Both companies agree that customer satisfaction is a top priority. This depends not only on technically mature components, timely delivery, and cost efficiency, but especially on the service supporting the product. In order to meet the needs of the customers in South America at a faster rate, PD-Instrumentos will provide the training on the MD, F and PD series of the IML products. This way, a technically experienced staff can respond to the customer directly from Brazil.

In this meeting both companies established concrete strategies for the different markets and their respective requirements and guidelines. The partnership between IML and PD instrumentos was strengthened by quality product discussions and collaboration. “Meetings directly on the ground have an immense advantage”, explains a participant from Brazil, “because unlike contacts by telephone or e-mail, many things can be clarified much faster in a personal conversation”.

A strong unity has been created that joins the manufacturers of the IML wood inspection instruments with the team at PD-Instrumentos, now qualified to train, support and provide wood inspection instruments to the South American region. “We now know exactly what is important in the detail of wood testing systems ,” said a spokesman for PD-Instrumentos. “What is being produced in Wiesloch, we can offer in Sao Paulo now in a complete package including training and instruction. As a result, our customers profit twice as much: by the high quality of the products and extremely well-qualified training after the purchase”.

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