Category Archives: News

Restoration of the Vineum in Meersburg – How Holzbau Schmäh impresses with the IML PowerDrill®

The IML PowerDrill® allows you to look inside the wood without causing serious damage to [...]

IML & PD Instrumentos Team Up to Provide First Rate Service for South America

South America is a guest in Wiesloch Members from PD-Instrumentos, a company from Jarinu in [...]

Bending and Compression Strength Measurement

Evaluating objectively the strength of wood Bending and compression strength measurement Just to make sure: [...]

Sound Velocity Measurement

Modern technology, easy handling Sound Velocity Measurement The IML Micro Hammer measures the time it [...]

Drilling Resistance Measurement

Approved procedure, quick results Drilling Resistance Measurement The IML-RESI System is based on the principle [...]

VTA – Visual Tree Assessment

Visual Inspection according to Prof. Dr. Claus Mattheck VTA – Visual Tree Assessment The VTA [...]

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